But, like a broken record we say it over and over again.
If I could just lose weight I could .....
wear cute clothes
feel good about myself
have confidence
and one of our favorites.....I would be happy.
What if focusing on your weight all the time was the cause of all the problems that are keeping you stuck? The goal of losing weight doesn't honor the parts of you that are needing to be seen, heard, and understood.
You sabotage your dreams by thinking that you aren't worthy of going after you goals until the number on the scale reaches what you think it should be. The number on the scale doesn't make you more or less worthy. Neither does eating more food than your body needs. While this is happening, you are waiting to do the things you know you would love to do.
How do you feel FULL off your plate? How do you take care of yourself in all areas of your life? Primary food is about how you fill up on LIFE. Secondary food is the actual food you put in your mouth.
Start thinking about how you are filling yourself up on life. How much fun, joy, and laughter do you have in your life? When you start filling up on life, you won't have to fill up with food. When you change your health from a place of self-love, you will start to develop a healthier relationship with food.