You probably know drinking water is important for weight loss, BUT it's even more important in the peri to post menopause stage.
Drinking enough water lessens menopause symptoms, such as:
More energy and less fatigue-less dragging yourself through the day
Helps hydrate tissues and lubricate joints (especially for those of you getting knee or hip replacements)
Helps manage appetite and decrease cravings and that equals not having to sit through so many urges
supports oral health-so you can say, "no cavities" after seeing the dentist
helps plump up skin-less money spent on lotions and potions
moistens food moving through your digestive tract so you can poop on the regular Dehydration can make the symptoms of menopause worse, such as:
Digestive issues
Poor body temperature regulation
Difficulty concentrating
Drink about half your bodyweight in ounces every day. Make adjustments baed on activity and thirst. Adding 8-16 oz. for every 30 minutes of exercise is a good place to start.
There is conflicting information on whether drinks with caffeine count towards your water intake. If your urine is pale yellow you're drinking a good amount of water. Look for times of the day when you have access to a bathroom if your schedule doesn't allow you to get there whenever you need.
Keep a water bottle near you at all times. I fill a water bottle and put it in the bathroom before I go to bed so I can drink water while getting ready in the morning. Smoothies, fruits, soups, and veggies are good ways to get water in too. What is your favorite way to get water in? Let me know at