Instant gratification. This is the reason we give in and eat the thing we said we wouldn't eat. It's also the reason we don't exercise. We'd rather do something that feels good in the moment.
Back in the day, gratification was instant. A lion tried to eat you, but you made it to safety. Pretty gratifying. You were hungry and were able to catch a fish so you could eat. Not only gratifying, but necessary.
Our brains are wired to want instant gratification. It helped people survive in the past. We probably aren't at risk of getting eaten by a lion and we don't have to hunt or fish to get our food.
What we want today is to change our habits and that doesn't happen instantly. We want one healthy meal to equal a 10 pound weight loss or one workout to make us look and feel fit. Wouldn't that be nice?
You don't have to forgo instant gratification in order to build new habits.
Try these ideas to get that instant gratification you are craving:
*Compare where you are now to where you started. It does you no good to compare yourself to anyone else.
*Celebrate yourself for every improvement, not matter how small
*Track the habits you're trying to change so you can see the progress you're making
*Eat food and/or do movement you enjoy. There are hundreds of options out there
*Change your thinking and take the word “should” out of your vocabulary-eat food you enjoy, but only when hungry. Choose movement that is fun so you will actually do it.
*Slip ups happen-EXPECT them, but don't make them mean anything. We're not worrying about streaks-perfect eating or exercise for X days in a row. Just be WILLING to keep going. That is the only way you can fail.
*If you aren't making progress, what can you change? Are you really eating food or moving in ways you enjoy? If not, try something different.
People who stick to habits do so because they look forward to doing the thing-eating delicious food and moving in a way they enjoy.
Are you planning foods you look forward to eating? Are you moving in ways that you enjoy? Do you need to work on your thoughts about what you “should” be doing to lose weight?