It's easier to make progress toward a goal when you focus on the "right" habit.
Most people think about the goal they want to achieve when you ask them about habits. They probably say something like, "I want to. lose 30 pounds."
It's easy to plan your food once or twice or take 2 walks, but if you don't change your belief behind the behavior, your actions aren't likely to stick. How many times have you set the same resolution or goal and not stuck to it?
When a habit becomes part of your identity, who you are, that's when you make a change and stick to it.
It's one thing to say, "I want to lose 30 pounds," but it's an identity shift to say, "I'm the type of person who plans my food daily."
Your identity actually comes from your habits. If you're currently overeating several times a week, you reinforce the identity of someone who overeats.The more you reinforce that identity, the easier it is to repeat that behavior.
Of course, it works the same way for an identity you want to build. You have to be willing to repeat the behavior of the person you want to become. As you repeat it, the more that new identity grows. Every action is a move toward your new identity.
Decide, "who is the type of person I want to become?" Then ask, "what would a healthy person or a person who stops at enough think and do?"
Keep your focus on the type of person you want to become, not the goal. This change takes time. It's so gradual, you won't see it happening, but it is.
Who do you want to become?