A common symptom of menopause is to wake up feeling anxious. Even if this doesn't describe you, it might be beneficial to delay your caffeinated beverage of choice for an hour when you first wake up.
Try these 3 things to help reduce anxiety:
💦 Drink 16 oz. of water when you first wake up. When you wake up, you're body is slightly dehydrated. You lose up to 16 oz. of water just from breathing. Make it easy by putting a water bottle in your bathroom or beside your bed.
🫷Wait one hour before drinking caffeine. Your cortisol is elevated for the first 45 minutes after you wake up. Adding caffeine will only make you MORE anxious.
✍️ If you have a lot of thoughts racing through your mind, write them all down and get them out of your head. Pick the top 3 things you want to accomplish for the day and leave the rest for now.
You may not WANT to wait an hour to drink your coffee, but your body and mind will thank you.
Are you willing to give it a try?
Let me know